Words are like tools we use to share our thoughts and feelings. Some words can make people feel happy, while others can make them feel sad or hurt.Words are like tools we use to share our thoughts and feelings. Some words can make people feel happy, while others can make them feel sad or hurt.
Bad words, sometimes called 'swear words', are words that can hurt or offend people. They are not nice to use and can make people feel upset.Bad words, sometimes called 'swear words', are words that can hurt or offend people. They are not nice to use and can make people feel upset.
Bad words are considered 'bad' because they can hurt someone's feelings or make them uncomfortable. Using these words can lead to people not wanting to be around us.Bad words are considered 'bad' because they can hurt someone's feelings or make them uncomfortable. Using these words can lead to people not wanting to be around us.
Instead of using bad words, we can choose better words that do not hurt or offend others. This makes our conversations more pleasant and respectful.Instead of using bad words, we can choose better words that do not hurt or offend others. This makes our conversations more pleasant and respectful.
Remember, words have power. They can make people feel good or bad. Let's always try to use words that make people feel good and respected.Remember, words have power. They can make people feel good or bad. Let's always try to use words that make people feel good and respected.

Understanding Words

Words are like tools we use to share our thoughts and feelings. Some words can make people feel happy, while others can make them feel sad or hurt.